Podcast: The Power of Diversification in Shares and Investments

It’s a journey we all embark on – the pursuit of financial freedom and abundance. And in that journey, many of us find ourselves drawn to the world of shares and investments. But as the financial landscape continues to evolve, it’s crucial for us, whether we’re individual investors or business owners, to discover ways to grow our wealth while keeping risks at bay.

In a recent episode of the Entrepreneurs Rising Podcast that I had the pleasure to be part of, we delved deep into this topic. As the founder of The Freedom Trader, I had the opportunity to share insights on how to build wealth safely through diversification in shares and investments.

The financial markets are rife with volatility and unpredictability, making it critical for investors to adopt strategies that protect their wealth. And one such strategy that has proven its worth over time is diversification. It involves spreading your investments across different asset classes like property portfolios, market shares, exchange-traded funds (ETFs), and more.

By diversifying your investment portfolio, you can mitigate the effects of any negative events that might impact individual assets or sectors.

For those running businesses, it’s vital to master the art of investing and diversification. Over time, you’ll notice that different asset classes perform differently. By having a diversified portfolio, you can effectively manage risks and ensure the safe growth of your business wealth.

So, don’t miss out on this enlightening conversation about wealth creation and risk management. Tune in to the podcast episode and take one more step towards your financial freedom.


Topics Discussed In This Episode…

  • Why it’s important to create wealth and investments outside your business
  • The three levels of financial freedom
  • Case study: how farmers build their wealth through shares
  • Why you need to get yourself educated about how to invest
  • The significance of a 30-minute routine looking at trading opportunities
  • How often do you need to check the market for sales?
  • Why you should learn the skill of investing to become a freedom trader
  • The most challenging part of investing and building wealth in shares
  • Getting clear on how an individual portfolio should look
  • The average timeframe to start investing
  • My 500k, 750k, and 1 million benchmarks of financial security and abundance
  • The advantages of property portfolios
  • Learning when to sell and buy shares
  • The average percentage to get strong returns


  • “The main thing is that as you’re scaling, you can still comfortably sleep at night. There’s no point in investing when you worry about your portfolio and business every night.” -Terry Tran
  • “As individual investors, we’ve got a massive advantage. But we’ve got to take advantage of it because a lot of people with fear and greed will eradicate that advantage.” -Terry Tran
  • “If the sun is shining in your business right now, make hay and celebrate, but don’t get complacent.” -Carl Taylor

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