The financial market is one place that does not care about your hair color, skin color or ethnicity. What matters is you get the right education and put it into action –and your life will never be the same again.

Terry Tran



(Which one resonates with you?)


The testimonials on this page are genuine and authentic testimonials received from our students who have completed one or both of our programs and are sharing their own opinions and experiences. Please note that past success and/or performance of investments is not a reliable indicator of future performance.

"I keep showing her (my wife) the numbers and the results of how we are tracking, because you know, she's the boss of the house... She doesn't care much about what rules I do as long as I'm not losing money... I've got a good feel for the future and I think I'm on the right... track for that future goal I have and envisage for myself."

–Praveen Chananna

"I just love the simplicity of it. For someone that had no understanding of shares to begin with - just the confidence that it's given me has been brilliant. I feel really confident in my choices trading. Understanding the risks involved and actively trading is... it's amazing knowing that I can trade safely."

– Rhiannon Willow

"They take a fair bit of effort take the jargon out of things and make it in ways that are easily absorbed and good analogies... I haven't felt throughout the process that I'm at risk when I'm doing it. You are taking risk, but based on the techniques he teaches you about... that spreads the risk, and I've been very comfortable about doing that."

– Bill Alexander
(Cattle Farmer / Engineer)

"At first I was a bit skeptical of how he could achieve some of the returns... But during the course, I think it's a very safe way to invest. Our children will be the real winner in it whether they realise it or not."

  Brad & Kerry Claughton
(Wheat, Canola & Sheep Farmers)

"I am a skeptical person but with this program... I think Terry is very genuine in the fact that he wants to help people succeed... With this system there's no gambling – it's all very safe and secure."

 – Sandra Wilkinson

"I don't risk money anymore... Everyone else was freaking out and we're coming in and buying – it was just like this wave and it popped back out and I literally made 20% like that."

 – Andrew Roberts
(CEO - Farm Owners Academy)

"We (as farmers) understand that things don't happen overnight so we plant a seed and we reap that reward in 6 months' time – it's not different to buying a good stock – you gotta be patient, wait for it to be good value."

  Ben Taylor
(Wheat, Chickpeas, Sorghum & Cotton Farmer)

"I had no experience, no knowledge of shares. To see how this skill can be learned and in a safe environment has really helped me to have the confidence to establish a portfolio and grow. And I suppose that's the beautiful thing about Terry's business model - is you can still benefit without having to put yourself out there and you can learn at your own level."

 – Fiona Hendrie
(Vet and Business Owner)

"The first interaction we had with Terry... he said that the number one rule is to preserve your capital, and I liked that."

 – Richard and Kaye McInnerney
(Cattle Farmers)

"It's fantastic, very comprehensive. And yeah, it's filled a lot of the gaps that I felt I wanted to be filled by doing the course... He's an open book. He's showing us what he's buying, what he's selling and why. So, so that's reassuring. There's no hidden agenda there."

–  Carey Dobson
(Technical Delivery Manager)

"Obviously with farming, the seasons are up and down... So it's not uncommon to have droughts or, you know, commodity price falls and so on. So it was more to level out any hard times, I suppose... (I'd) still have a continued income through the shares, even if the farming went downhill for a year or two."

 – Carolyn Mudge
(Cattle Farmer)

"It's incredibly efficient. And that's everything from identifying new opportunities to purchase as well as identifying things that are ready to be sold. And then, you know, spend the rest of the day doing whatever it was I wanted to do... It's very much an integrated part of my life these days. And it's, it's a part that I very much look forward to."

 – Nick Teo
(Local Government)

"Now, I buy a share and I forget about it. I'm not having sleepless nights. I don't worry about it. I keep moving forward. And until it shows up in a sell chart or a buy chart, then I'm not worried about it anymore. I know that I've just got to let time do its work and that these are strong businesses that have shown decades of growth and I've just got to sit back and let time work its magic."

–  Darryl Storey
(Retail Store Owner)

"Knowing that the structures were there, the tools, the templates - everything in the Blueprint system just kind of made it super easy, and I'm not anywhere near as worried. I could sleep well at night knowing that the money is safe and that I'm not overexposed. What that's allowed me to do is just invest with confidence."

 – Karl Schwantes
(Jeweler & Business Coach)

"With Freedom Trader, Terry's at the, the helm. But he's not the only person you deal with. There are people there along the way to help you with very specific parts. If you're new, you're learning it and understanding it, there's someone there who will break all that down for you and answer all your questions."

 – Chris Quinton

"Once you get into the action part of trading, that support is really excellent (in Inner Circle). Truly there is someone who empowers you; not tells you "you can't do this without me" – and that's what I love about Terry – he's congruent, he's honest and he shares the information openly."

–  Hament Chavda
(Coach and Entrepreneur)

"It's all fact-based – he shows us the numbers from other sources, he shows us numbers that are available publicly... technically speaking once we do the base program, we don't need Terry to hold our hand anymore because that's how he set it up."

 – Olivia Pratiwi
(Management Consultant)

"I find it is very useful for me to plan for my retirement and secondary income."

 – Kent Chin
(Project Manager in HealthCare)

"I just became pretty relaxed, and it was almost sort of like complementing the way that I live my Monday to Sunday.  Once it becomes that habit and that discipline, at that point in time... you don't really need to think about it, you just do it – that's what those rules are there for - it's trying to help people like myself not have that doubt when I go into a particular investment or trade."

–Benson Duong

"I was very impressed with the way he explained investing and cautions to investing. He's explained some fairly complicated concepts in a very concise way... very clear and in everyday terms. It fits a busy person's lifestyle in that it doesn't take up all your time. It's not day trading - I'm in it for the long-term. I've got a lot of interests, so investing needs to fit in with my lifestyle in that I can't give it my 100% attention. I'll spend perhaps 3 hours a week or so."

– Vickie

"I'd go on YouTube... there was a lot of information, but it was just everywhere. So I just went to Terry and, thanks to the Masterclass and Blueprint system... it's been pretty good. My future is looking more certain with this system.

– Jeffrey Wong

"Trading is interesting and fun, challenging sometimes but I think with Terry it takes most of the challenge out of it. All you have to do is do your homework and follow the rules."

–  Andrew Knight

"For the first 6 months I put in a small amount of money and the return was about 12%... I find it quite easy..."

 – Lan Le
(Franchise Business Owner)

"I had no idea that this stock market could be so predictable. Learning how to tell a good company from bad companies - it's got my investment back several times over."

 – Lloyd Miller
(Machine Operator)

"I know exactly when to buy and sell... The advantage of this system is I have full control. I decide what's good value and what isn't. I get to say what happens to my money, and I think that's nice."

 – Dee Mahon
(National Education Service Manager)

"My ROI for the first year was about 21% and strike rate of about 90%. He really is teaching you how to fish as opposed to just handing you fish... He's also quite engaged with the community and it's rare to see a course that has that support in their community."

– Duy Phan
(Construction Manager)

"The stock market was something that I was very wary of... until I learned how Terry does things... Our return-on-investment is hovering between 12.5–15%...
I've got a whole heap of gratitude towards Terry for sharing his knowledge with simple people like ourselves."

– Darren & Fiona Sanders

"What I liked was the way that he put some thought into how you were going to approach it - what the steps are going to be - I like that methodical approach and you get the feel more."

–  Alastair Shannon
(Cattle Farmer)

"My husband was all about the finances – he did everything, I knew nothing, I got divorced, holy –What am I going to do?... My first year with Terry in doing my investing all on my own, I had an ROI of 22%... I don’t care if I’m going to be 80 years old, 90 years old, these are skills that I’m going to have for the rest of my life."

– Sharon Crane
(Professional Pet Minder)

"For me, knowing that you've put your money into those types of stocks that people really value and other people are looking for, makes you feel very comfortable – I didn't have any problem sleeping after purchasing shares."

 – Edward Sweeney
(Software Programmer)

"It’s heart-wrenching to watch your hard earned cash be burnt and disappear... I’m currently sitting on about an 18% Return On Investment which I’m absolutely stoked with. Considering I’ve burnt an account in like under 2 years, 10 years ago, it’s absolutely amazing, I’m absolutely loving it."

– Paul Tarrant
(Energy Markets Trader)

"Step 1, 2, 3, 4 is all laid out and I really, really like that I can follow it easily and have been and that’s tremendous."

 – Laura Brown

"You know I invest and Terry’s gonna go “Yeah hang on, well what's the risk here?” And that's what he does, he looks at it and so he identifies the risk and if it's risky, don't do it. That's what made me more comfortable..."

– Wayne Palmer
(State Emergency Services)

"I realised the best way to look after my money is for me to look after it and not trust too many people. My hit rate is about 80%. ROI is about 15%..."

– Brenton Ferguson

"Every retiree's the same - it's that weird feeling of oh I'm not earning any income anymore. In the first 6 months I actually replaced my casual income - so glad I went with Terry and didn't watch my savings dwindle away. I'm really proud of myself."

– Joy Rensch

"I thought we were going to spend so much time and effort that we couldn't take care of the kids anymore, but it's not. It's only half an hour of your day...
Our ROI is now 21% so that's like fantastic."

– Chandara Kev & Jun Yu
(Electrical Engineer & Pharmacist)

"I’ve learnt how to not be attached to my investments, the psychology of it, when to buy and sell, how to read the stockcharts, how to setup all my stocks on stockcharts, how to buy and sell..."

– Terry Cook

"We're after the long-term rather than making the big bucks now... He talks like you're just talking to a mate, and explaining it simply... I like that he does what he preaches and he actually shows you - some are willing to tell you what to do but they're not willing to show what they're really doing. Terry's got skin in the game and he's willing to share."

– Nicole
(Broad Acre Farmer)

"A lot of the courses that I did or looked at, the presenters just presented it and they went away, that was it. There was no community, there was no ongoing support... Terry's was different... You have access to a fantastic community that are very supportive and Terry’s always there in the background jumping and provide support and advice, there’s mentoring calls every two weeks..."

– Chester Cutinha
(Job Flow Supervisor)

"I was one of those people buying a good stock but at the wrong price – that's what happens if you don't know how to do a stock valuation or if you can't read the market. It took me a while but I know what I'm doing now."

–Dario Milano
(Chef & Food Photographer)

"8 months in I had barely made a profit. But by the end of 12 months I actually made 19% in my first year. This year I had my super in the market as well , and in 6 months I made 23% so I'm very happy with that. No problem pressing the 'Buy' button anymore!"

– Tricia Butler
(I.T. Specialist &  Coach)

"Looking at the tools and knowing to de-risk the trading so it's less of a gamble and more strategy... that feels good... He's very caring and his community also reflects that."

– Wolfgang Shulte

"I never thought I would be able to do what I do basically now. We had no knowledge, basically when we bought shares... previous accountants did it all for us.

We came across (The Freedom Trader) online, looked at the presentation and jumped in both feet first... We've had some amazing weeks...  it's satisfying."

– Carolyn Dare and Chris Lambert
(Retired Manufacturing Entrepreneurs)

"I worked for a company that did high volume, electronic trading, and provided algos - these algorithms can just do thousands of trades a second and we have huge computers that do that – no human being can compete with that.

So you gotta do something that makes sense, and that's like Terry says - investing in good companies / stocks that are not just cheap but good value – that's always going to 
win out at the end of the day."

– Neale O' Brien
(IT Developer)

"If you're investing or trading, you've gotta find something that suits your temperament. There is a segment of the population which I probably belong to that kind of likes to have things under their own control a bit more.

"The idea is to make it as objective as possible so that your emotions are taken out of it."

– Antony Hansen

"I am now subscribing to the Inner Circle with Terry, so he actually provides an insight into what he’s trading every week with his portfolio."

– Christin Smith

"It doesn't take a huge amount of time. Most mornings I can do it within 10 minutes... What I like about it is there's calculated risk - you're doing the research... It's not sensationalized. It's very down-to-earth, good information. That fills me up with confidence."

– Jane Kellock
(Sheep & Grain Farmer)

"It is very very important for someone who is starting is that you have a mentor and you have a group of people who you can communicate with so when you are scared and you’re fearing it actually puts your mind little bit to rest and makes you feel more confident to follow the system."

– Habib Al-Massi
(Oil & Gas Mining Engineer)

"I really like the community... we're all helping each other out... I really feel like I'm part of a community and not just on my own... trying to work things out..."

– Rodney Levy

"Having not known anything, I came out of it thinking I can actually do this! I've learned in this industry, don't be a risk-taker, because I don't want to lose money... Highly recommend Terry."

– Kerry Strugnell
(Pre-School Director)

"Since inception I've made like 8% plus cumulative return 12+ from the start of this year... I'm really grateful to Terry and just his passion and transparency... the way he treats everyone and the teacher in him that no question is too dumb..."

– Brad Mander

"I had never dabbled in stocks and I felt that it was for the upper echelon and probably hard for the plebs to get in... but with the rules, market indicators and the information we're given through the Inner Circle and The Freedom Trader (Blueprint), I feel a lot more confident."

– Derek Bade
(Retired Farmer)

"God what the hell was I waiting for? All that time wasted! It’s so safe! It’s so safe, it’s so easy... I never thought share trading could be exciting and I never thought I’d love this but I love it! I love the results and I love the fact that it’s easy and safe."

– Vicky Ho
(Cosmetic Dentist)

"In my kind of work, if I don’t work I don’t earn but in the Freedom Trader if you do stocks, you’ll have the capacity to earn even while you’re not working, even while you’re overseas or you’re on vacation. I think that’s actually my greatest motivation.

– Byron Dy
(Registered Nurse)

"Terry is a teacher who will put things in very simple terms for people to be able to understand, which is essential for me."

– James Doyle
(Airline Pilot)

"Terry's methods is very low risk. For the first six months, I had 48 sales with no losses at all. So I was ahead of the game 100% and smiling a lot... It's been going very well. It's good fun. And I've learnt a heck of a lot along the way."

– Tony Carlisle
(Biomedical Engineer)

"Terry was pretty much a saviour really... He keeps us educated with what's going on... teaching us a lot about the market itself or the economy and what to look out for which is really important.

– Frank Bilotta

"It feels really good. It's really comfortable. Once you see it, once you understand it, and you look at how it's structured, it's quite understandable and it does take the concern out."

– Carol Greig

"When you click trade and buy and sell - that's not up to him. So long as you're confident doing your research... we all don't know what the future holds but all we can do is trust the data.

Whatever comes out - that's how you make your decisions; not what social media's telling you or what other people are trying to sell you."

– Jason White
(Civil Engineer)

"I think it's very easy to get a grasp on.
Anyone could do it really.

There's parameters. So if you work within those parameters, it is hard to go wrong. And that gets back to the mindset – don't go outside the parameters. Stick to the Blueprint rules and you shouldn't have a problem."

– Ian Grimes

"There is a way of going about investing  your money, but you have control over it... You're not sticking it in a bank and relying on a bank or somebody else to win or lose you money - you're doing it yourself. So you know, the training does work... You can work as hard as you want or as little as you want."

–Roslyn Clifford

"The main thing is don't deviate - that's the lesson we've learned. Stick to the rules that are being given. Having done so many different courses, we know that if we stick to Terry, we will have a mentor who is willing to spend his time to give you the right path. This is a system which works for (us) and makes more sense..."

– Lili and Bob Gloyn
(Nurse and IT)

"Knowledge is power. Before this, I'd never really done stocks, but if you follow the rules, it will work. You go outside the rules, it won't work - and I've tried going 1 or 2 stocks out(side of the rules), just to see what happens - and it didn't work. All you have to do is follow the rules and your return will work. My future looks more exciting because I can see... I'm not gonna be 60-70 when I retire like a lot of other people."

– Thana Phabmixaty
(Business Development Manager)

"I'm getting 4 times, nearly 5 times what the banks can do. With Terry what I feel is that personal touch that comes back as a human. It's not just about buying shares and then selling them – you can be a friend with Terry."

– Rajesh Mudlapur
(Principal Engineer)

"My strike rate is now 81% and that's what I've really worked at at – not taking those losses and it's beautiful... I'm a very logical person and to me Terry has put together a course based on logic... it's a safe system."

– Maggie Ward

"I knew very little about the share market and now I'm pretty much trading on a regular basis, making consistent profit and knowing the right signals to buy & sell."

– Martin Wong
(Systems Analyst & Modeler)

"We’ve both done the course so it allows us both to feed off each other, bounce ideas off each other whether we’re researching or even placing the trade or selling... We’ve been actively trading with Terry for a little over 2 years now, we’re very happy with his system. Our personal portfolio’s increased 34% in that period so you can’t complain about that, yep it’s all good!"

– Valerie & Jerry Kidd
(Bookkeeper & Boiler Maker)

"It's a community of investors that support each other... So although you're making the decisions yourself, you're not really making them on your own."

"Terry is very much about building a community, not just about him being successful... a lot of people are getting good value out of The Freedom Trader model, but he doesn't just stop at that. He's looking at improving it all the time, making it more understandable. He's looking at ways we can all benefit from the system operating better."

– Geoff Flowers

"I've been recommending my clients go through this program for 3 years."

"My client relationships are so much better with my clients having gone through Terry's program... They're able to make better decisions and also have better communication with me about the portfolios that I manage on their behalf."

"I'd encourage any professional whether they be an accountant, mortgage broker, or financial advisor to put their clients in touch with The Freedom Trader to become students."

– James Gerrard
(Financial Advisor)

"I work in software - I deal with systems, thinking processes... if you can't explain your process well in a simple way, you probably don't know it.

That's what brought me over (to the Freedom Trader). Terry was very authentic in his process and very detailed."

– Li Si Wong
(IT Product Manager)

"The Blueprint system was more an all-encompassing form of trading, taking account into the valuation, the quality of companies, seeing how they're going, what their forward projections are, how they've been in the past, and then using technical analysis to actually enter and exit trades...

To me, that was sort of like the holy grail.
It's the whole picture."

– Mike Howell
(Packaging Wholesaler)

"Once everything's set up, I probably spend 15 minutes every morning... And once you're done, you're done. Forget about it. Go on with your life... You don't have to trade blind or invest blind. There is a way to know... to be more sure... to calculate... you can actually quantify the risk in this way."

– Nicholas Ong
(Freight Forwarding)

"There was no pressure in the way he presented whatsoever. It just felt like he was giving, giving, giving, and, "If you want more, then my course offers all this if you're interested... When I did the course, I was so impressed by how thorough it was and how much information Terry gave, and it was given in such an easy way to understand..."

– Shirley Chiu

"He's (Terry's) an open book. He's showing us what he's
buying, what he's selling and why. So, so that's reassuring. There's no hidden agenda there... You'd probably get more learnings from the edge cases where the trade
isn't necessarily as you'd expect - if Terry has made a sale which doesn't meet a particular criteria, then why was that?  That's honesty for you, isn't it really? If somebody's willing to say, yep, that didn't quite go the way we planned, or we're selling this one at a loss for this particular reason, then he's upfront with it."

– Carey Dobson
(Technical Delivery Manager)

"We congratulate each other." – Jun Yu

"They all realise they can give away all the information and knowledge they have and it doesn't take anything away from themselves." – Chester Cutinha

"There's a good feeling of openness and communication" – Dee Mahon

"I really feel like I'm part of a community and not just on my own on an island trying to work things out myself." – Rodney Levy

– Our Blueprint Student Community

"He's truly genuine and really sincere. He really wants to share with us his experience." – Benjamin Ng

"You can ask any questions – no question is a stupid question– Benjamin Ng

"The materials even to us (financial consultants) are very informative." – Alan Wong

– Our Students From Singapore

"I am getting four times, nearly five times what banks is giving."

– Rajesh Mudlapur
(Principal Engineer)

"I was able to go out in the space of a week, take that 50,000 and buy all these stocks. It was quite, quite powerful. And then literally, a month later, it was just like this wave and it popped back out. And I literally made 20 percent like that. It was just like the easiest, you know, thing that, that I've done."

– Andrew Roberts

"In the first six months I actually replaced my casual income. It's very exciting."

– Joy Rensch

"It feels good and I'm more confident. I'm still in the beginning phases."

– Nicholas Ong
(Freight Forwarding)

"I work in software - I deal with systems, thinking processes... if you can't explain your process well in a simple way, you probably don't know it.

That's what brought me over (to the Freedom Trader). Terry was very authentic in his process and very detailed."

– Li Si Wong
(IT Product Manager)

"We congratulate each other." – Jun Yu

"They all realise they can give away all the information and knowledge they have and it doesn't take anything away from themselves." – Chester Cutinha

"There's a good feeling of openness and communication" – Dee Mahon

"I really feel like I'm part of a community and not just on my own on an island trying to work things out myself." – Rodney Levy

– Our Blueprint Student Community

"He's truly genuine and really sincere. He really wants to share with us his experience." – Benjamin Ng

"You can ask any questions – no question is a stupid question" – Benjamin Ng

"The materials even to us (financial consultants) are very informative." – Alan Wong

– Our Students From Singapore


To get started, download your free checklist: 10 Checks to Help You Choose the Strongest Stocks and Avoid the Lemons.

You’ll learn my 4-step approach to weed out risky stocks so you’re only picking from the strongest. If you follow this system, you’ll effectively eliminate 99% of stocks out there (yes, really!)...leaving you to focus on the 1% that pass our stringent stock criteria.

Get a copy of my 10 Must-Have Stock Criteria

These 10 Stock Criteria immediately saved my students hours of research everyday once implemented, and only require 5 minutes to implement so you can instantly identify the 1% of stocks that pass our stock criteria, that you can do further research with at any time!

Start choosing the financially strongest stocks and AVOID the lemons now...


Always booked out, our free Masterclass ‘How to PREPARE for any Market Crash, PRESERVE your Wealth and PROFIT’ will inspire you to take your first step to towards reaching your financial goals outside of your job or business.


Effective Trading Solutions Pty Ltd t/as (ABN: 98 160 101 959) (“theFreedomTrader”) is an Australian Financial Services License Holder (AFSL # 543386). All material provided on this website is general advice only and does not take into consideration your personal objectives, financial situation or needs. You should seek independent financial advice and read the relevant disclosure statements prior to acquiring our services. does not operate as a formal training provider and is not registered as a training provider.

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Always booked out, our free Masterclass ‘How to PREPARE for any Market Crash, PRESERVE your Wealth and PROFIT’ will inspire you to take your first step to towards reaching your financial goals outside of your job or business.


Step 1.