Whether you think you can or you can't – either way you are right.

Henry Ford



The financial world can feel murky sometimes.

At times, it can feel like a secret, members-only club; that only people with intimate industry knowledge of the finance world can make a real profit from.

That, combined with the overwhelming amount of information that exists out there when it comes to learning how to invest in shares, can create many misconceptions and beliefs about your ability to succeed with share investing and trading.

Here are some of the most common beliefs and people say about beginning their Freedom Trader journey, and what our students have experienced instead.

Simply click on any belief that is most relevant to you right now to see how other people like you have disproved these myths:

I Don't Have Enough Time

"I don't have time to learn investing and trading"

"Do I have to trade everyday?"

"I have a full-time job and 3 kids"

I'm Not Smart / Experienced Enough

"I'm not good with numbers / mathematics"

"I've never studied finance in my life"

"Investing is too complex for the average person"

Trading Is Not Safe Or Secure

"Investing / trading is just gambling in disguise"

"My money is safer at a bank / fund"

"I don't want to lose my hard-earned money"

What If There's A Market Crash?

"What if there's another GFC?"

"How do I know if there's another market crash?"

"You can't do anything about recessions"

I've Been Burnt In The Past

"People only profit when they teach others"

"Share trading is a SCAM - this is B.S."

"Other programs have been TOTAL CRAP"

Property Is Better Than Shares

"I like to have a REAL tangible asset I see"

"Property is safer / less volatile than shares"

"Property has a proven rate of return"

I Can't Risk My Retirement

"I could never manage my own super or IRA"

"SMSFs / IRAs are too complex and risky"

"I'm not ready to have a SMSF / IRA"

I Can't Be Bothered / It's Not Worth It

"I don't want to give up my life / sleep."

"I want to be a passive investor. Not a trader."

"I could just give my money to a fund manager"

There's No Transparency / Honesty

"You just keep the best stuff to yourself"

"Are you really showing what you're doing?"

"Everything happens behind closed doors"

My Partner Doesn't Understand

"My partner thinks stocks are too risky"

"I can't get my partner to understand..."

"My partner and I fight about money constantly"

High Returns Come With High Risk

"I'm better off investing into a long-term deposit"

"Higher risks = Higher rewards"

"Safety and stocks are a contradiction"

Trading Is A Lonely Journey

"No one wants to help each other out"

"I don't trust myself"

"I don't have a mentor / peers doing this"

It Costs Too Much To Learn

"I can't afford to spend money on a course"

"Pay to learn investing? No thanks"

"I could buy so many other things with my money"

I Need A Lot Of Money

"You have to be wealthy for this to be worthwhile"

"You can only get rich with insider information"

"I need to hire an expert to succeed"

I'm Too Young / Too Old

"I'm too young to invest - I work at KFC!"

"I'm too old to learn anything new & I'm not techy"

"It's too late for me to benefit from compounding"

I'm On The Road Too Often

"I can't invest while I travel"

"I don't stay in the same place enough"

"I won't be able to holiday while trading"

If You're So Successful, Why Teach?

"You only make money teaching others. Not by doing."

"You're just a slick snake oil salesman"

"If you shared everything, how would I make money?"

Can't I Just Copy Someone Else?

"I could just copy someone else's trades"

"Can't I just use algorithmic trading?"

"I could just use a copy-trader"

I Want To Double / Triple My Returns

"I can't invest while I travel"

"I don't stay in the same place enough"

"I won't be able to holiday while trading"

It's Impossible To Beat The Market

"You only make money teaching others. Not by doing."

"You're just a slick snake oil salesman"

"If you shared everything, how would I make money?"

My Money Is Always Safe With A Pro

"I could just copy someone else's trades"

"Can't I just use algorithmic trading?"

"I could just use a copy trader"


To get started, download your free checklist: 10 Checks to Help You Choose the Strongest Stocks and Avoid the Lemons.

You’ll learn my 4-step approach to weed out risky stocks so you’re only picking from the strongest. If you follow this system, you’ll effectively eliminate 99% of stocks out there (yes, really!)...leaving you to focus on the 1% that pass our stringent stock criteria.

Get a copy of my 10 Must-Have Stock Criteria

These 10 Stock Criteria immediately saved my students hours of research everyday once implemented, and only require 5 minutes to implement so you can instantly identify the 1% of stocks that pass our stock criteria, that you can do further research with at any time!

Start choosing the financially strongest stocks and AVOID the lemons now...


Always booked out, our free Masterclass ‘How to PREPARE for any Market Crash, PRESERVE your Wealth and PROFIT’ will inspire you to take your first step to towards reaching your financial goals outside of your job or business.


Effective Trading Solutions Pty Ltd t/as theFreedomTrader.com (ABN: 98 160 101 959) (“theFreedomTrader”) is an Australian Financial Services License Holder (AFSL # 543386). All material provided on this website is general advice only and does not take into consideration your personal objectives, financial situation or needs. You should seek independent financial advice and read the relevant disclosure statements prior to acquiring our services. TheFreedomTrader.com does not operate as a formal training provider and is not registered as a training provider.

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Always booked out, our free Masterclass ‘How to PREPARE for any Market Crash, PRESERVE your Wealth and PROFIT’ will inspire you to take your first step to towards reaching your financial goals outside of your job or business.


Step 1.