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My 10 Must-Have Checks to
Choose The Strongest Stocks
And AVOID The Lemons
(For anyone who wants simple and process-driven stock investing – my students consist of business owners, farmers, dentists, builders/tradies, musicians, engineers, students, teachers, retirees and more...)
These 10 Stock Criteria immediately saved my students hours of research everyday once implemented, and only require 5 minutes to implement so you can instantly identify what I consider the top 1% of stocks to do further research at any time!
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We are currently making updates to this guide.
We will be making this available again when it is ready.

Darren Sanders
Farmer & Fellow Freedom Trader
"My wife and I were looking for low-risk ways to grow our wealth outside of our regular business (wool, lamb and lucerne seed farm). But I didn't like the idea of handing a fund manager a pile of money and having to trust them to do the right thing.
It wasn't until I learned how Terry does things that I understood that stock market investing can be done successfully without too much hassle... and I could have total control.
It's actually Terry himself, the man he is, that allowed me to feel comfortable to take this step. I'm happy with what I've achieved. My ROI is hovering around 12.5-15%.
I don't want my life to be controlled by someone else. Waking up tomorrow and being able to do exactly what I feel like doing – whether that's with the kids or fuelling up the forby and heading bush — is why I do it."
In This FREE Download, I'll Show You

You'll discover the 10 stock criteria I personally use everyday to invest my funds. I use them to analyse every stock I look at, and each stock must meet all 10 criteria before I even consider investing my money into it, and you can too!

I'll show you how to effectively use my stock criteria to screen out the financially strongest stocks and avoid the lemons using one simple tool in under 5 minutes. You'll spend less time analysing stocks, more time making smart investment decisions, and more time enjoying life.

The financial world can be confusing sometimes. But as you'll see from applying just 4 simple steps, that what many investors, traders and financial professionals refer to as fundamental analysis, really isn't as complicated as people make it out to be!

The simple strategy to ensure your investment capital is kept out of harm's way. There's no leverage or risky investments (like futures, CFDs, and options) involved. Just good old risk mitigation strategies that allow you to profit as a byproduct of good preparation.

Hi, I'm Terry Tran
Hi, I’m Terry Tran, veteran investor, and I help people from all walks of life (business owners, farmers, tradies, retirees – just to name some) reach their financial goals using smart investing processes that allow them to confidently profit as a byproduct of good risk management.
My 10 Must-Have Criteria (part of my 6 Step Freedom Trader Blueprint strategy) have been responsible for helping my students make positive returns without leverage or risky investments (like futures, CFDs, and options) that can financially kill you.
Without this checklist, you will waste time, energy and money – I actually learned my risk-mitigating investing strategies the hard way – by blowing 3 big accounts and losing $100K in the process, over just 18 months!
With it, you’ll avoid what I consider 99% of the financially weakest stocks out there. And picking a winner is much more efficient and enjoyable.
Your money is precious. So don’t gamble with it.

What ACTUAL CLIENTS Have To Say About Terry

Tricia Butler
(I.T Specialist)
"By the end of 12 months I actually made 19% in my first year.
This year I had my super in the market as well , and in 6 months I made 23% so I'm very happy with that.
No problem pressing the 'Buy' button anymore!"

Sharon Crane
(Professional Pet Minder)
"My husband was all about the finances – he did everything, I knew nothing, I got divorced, holy –What am I going to do?...
My 1st year with Terry in doing my investing all on my own, I had an ROI of 22%... I don’t care if I’m going to be 80 years old – these are skills that I’m going to have for the rest of my life."

Tony Carlisle
(Biomedical Engineer)
"Terry's method is very low risk.
For the first six months, I had 48 sales with no losses at all. So I was ahead of the game 100% and smiling a lot...
It's been going very well. It's good fun. And I've learnt a heck of a lot along the way."
Finding the financially strongest stocks is only a click away...
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