If you want to be a successful stock investor, it’s important to have a realistic portrait of what that actually looks like.
Most people have skewed ideas about what a successful investor looks like, thanks largely to what they see in movies and TV shows. But those images are often far from the truth.
In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at the real-life portrait of a successful investor and dispel some of the myths that surround them.
What Does a Successful Investor Actually Look Like?
So, what does a successful stock investor actually look like?
There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as every investor is different. However, there are certain traits and characteristics that are common among successful investors, and most people have a pretty good idea of what makes a successful investor/trader – In some ways, they may be right. They see someone who:
- Is an expert in the market.
- Who knows what influences stock prices and how to predict certain changes through reports, articles and announcements.
- Even though they are not right 100% of the time, they seem to know how to make the right choices.
What they don’t see, however, are some invisible characteristics and habits that are just as important, if not more so. These are the things that you don’t see on the surface, but they’re what make a successful investor tick. So, what are some of these invisible characteristics?
- They have healthy expectations of what type of returns they can generate in the markets
- They have a solid investing/trading plan
- They have the ability to stick to their plans when things don’t turn out the way they originally anticipate
- They have great command over their emotions, can see through the fog and remain unaffected by messages in the media
Comparing Your Beginnings To Other’s End Goals
When starting out, it can be easy to get discouraged when you compare your beginning stages to someone who is already successful.
Many people see successful investors and traders, and think that’s how they’ve always been. But that’s not the case – it’s important to remember that everyone starts somewhere, and it takes time, patience and practice to become a successful investor.
What they don’t understand is that they’re often looking at the result of a long career of trial and error. This is the part they often miss. They see the end result, and even expand upon it but do not realize what it took to get there.
How did these successful investors and traders handle the market when they were a fledgling that just started? No one is born with understanding and experience in the stock market. This is obtained over time.
When Will You Be a Master Investor/Trader?
At what point do you graduate from skilled to master in the stock market? The time required varies from one individual to another.
Some people learn faster than others while some are more active and get more practice over a shorter period of time.
That practice and experience takes time to develop. By measurements of time, we are talking years rather than days or months.
In fact, expert Mike Quanbeck stated that investors who have been trading for five years or less are still at a novice level.
In my experience, this is certainly the case – because even if you’ve been investing for a few years, there are always new things to learn. The market is constantly changing, and new challenges and opportunities will always arise.
A market cycle on average lasts anywhere between 7 to 11 years. So if you’ve only been investing for a few years, you’re still in the early stages of your career.
This might sound like a lot of time, especially if you’ve just started – however, if you want the success and profit of being a master, you must be ready to wait things out.
How To Fast-Track Your Learning
If you’re keen to speed up the process, there are a few things you can do to fast-track your learning and improve your chances of becoming a successful investor:
1. Get a Mentor
If you want to learn from the best, find someone who is already where you want to be, and ask for their help.
A mentor can teach you the ropes, give you advice, and help you avoid making the same mistakes they did. In short, a mentor can help shortcut your path to success.
You want to make sure you learn from the right people though. When I first began, I learned from many different sources – some good, and some that led me to lose $100,000 of my own money (my life savings at the time).
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2. Read Books and Blogs
There is a wealth of information out there on the internet – all you need to do is find it. Start by reading books and blogs from successful investors, and learn as much as you can about the market.
Our insights blog is a great starting point – we do our best to make sure we avoid complex financial jargon where we can and focus on sharing high-quality, actionable information that can help you become a better investor.
3. Attend Seminars and Webinars
Listening to experts talk about investing can help you learn a lot in a short space of time. Attend seminars and webinars, and take advantage of any opportunity you have to learn from those who know more than you do.
Again, you have to be careful who you listen to – but if you can find reputable sources, seminars and webinars can be a great way to learn.
We’re biased of course, but we think our 90-Minute Online Masterclass is a great way to learn about investing – and it’s free to attend. Be sure to check it out here.
The Bottom Line
Becoming a successful investor takes time, patience and practice – there’s no shortcut to success. However, by following these tips, you can fast-track your learning and improve your chances of becoming a master investor sooner than later.