
"I'm Not Smart / Experienced Enough"

"I'm not good with numbers / mathematics"

"I've never studied finance in my life"

"Investing is too complex for the average person"

The financial world is HUGE. And because of that, there's a tonne of different information and industry jargon – so much that it could probably scare an alien race from ever wanting to make contact with mankind. Because of that, it's very easy to feel overwhelmed and that you don't understand enough to succeed in the share market.

The good news is – most of all that stuff is fluff. As long as you have a rock-solid process that works and is explained to you in an easy to understand, step-by-step format, all you really have to do is follow that process, replicate it and practise it until you reach success. And once you've scored enough wins on your board, you'll realise you never needed to understand everything to succeed - just the parts that really matter - and your confidence will multiply.

Here's our students' experiences...

"When making my first buy, I was extremely nervous. 8 months in, had barely made a profit but by the end of the 12 months I actually made 19% in my first year. This year I had my super in the market as well, and in 6 months I made 23% so I’m very happy with that. 
No problem pressing the ‘Buy’ button anymore. Not that long ago, I actually bought 25 stocks in 1 day. "

— Tricia Butler (I.T. Specialist & Coach)

"When you go through Terry's program, it comes to that next exciting phase of wanting to buy your first trade. It sounds all good that I've had a Return On Investment, but those first couple of months it's a bit daunting. You sort of start questioning yourself, "Am I looking at this right? Am I looking at this wrong?" and you end up working out that it's not that difficult. Follow the process, you buy, and the first couple I found a bit daunting but after that it becomes natural."

— Paul Tarrant (Energy Markets Trader) 

"It's really hard to put into words all the things that I've learnt like, I'm really comfortable now with share investing.

It was something that I had dabbled in 10-12 years ago – I took a course and I found it really difficult to grasp the ideas – I ended up repeating that course 10 times! and I still didn't feel I had the confidence to trade. They didn't have rules to follow and so I didn't feel I had much confidence at all.

— Sharon Crane (Professional Pet Minder)

"I didn't have the confidence before because of the style I was taught in previous courses. It got a bit complicated, I sort of didn't trust it as much. Terry's course actually came along when I was ready to sort of look at doing it again and his course was so much easier, so I didn't have any stresses or anxiety about doing it. I already had an account opened and ready to go, so I actually got started pretty quickly and had results pretty quickly as well, which was quite pleasing."

— Brenton Ferguson (Electrician)

"Step 1, 2, 3, 4 - it's all laid out and I really, really like that. I can follow it easily and have been, and that's tremendous. Any questions I have along the way - if they're not answered in the videos – which he's constantly updating and that's the other thing I really like, is the fact that he updates everything. It's not like "Oh he wrote that 10 years ago and I can read it now." It's always constantly updated and that's terrific."

— Laura Brown (Retail)

"Trading is interesting and fun - challenging sometimes. But I think with Terry it kind of takes most of the challenge out of it – all you have to do is do your homework and follow the rules."

— Andrew Heading-Knight (Musician)

"Warren Buffett said it - he said "Follow a system and  make predictable money" but most people won't follow that system – they want to complicate that system.

Terry's got a system - just follow it. Don't muck with it, don't wing it, don't get tips from your friends or the media. Just follow his system and you'll make money."

— Andrew Roberts (Business Coach)

"I was so impressed with what Terry did as a presentation. Having not known anything, I came out of that thinking "I can actually do this". You can be as experienced in shares, stock and trading or have very little like me and it's just awesome."

— Kerry Strugnell (Pre-School Director)

"Absolutely worth on saving 10 years of fine tuning and modifying and working out what's right, what's wrong, what can be improved and investing in a program that Terry's already fine-tuned over the last 15, 20 years – it's a really well organised system that is easy to understand all the main points and easy to follow with guidance in a warm and interested manner that Terry demonstrates."

 Rodney Levy

"It's about building confidence because my end goal is when I retire I'm able to continue to invest and continue to generate income to support a comfortable lifestyle. I feel that I actually can do it, especially for me because I've never done that before and I'm able to generate this much income. I don't want to deal with Centrelink - that's my end goal. I've had enough with Centrelink, dealing with them for my mum and dad.""

— Jun Yu (Pharmacist)

"I started trading around the start of January when we had the 10% drop in the market and so I went, well this is my opportunity to jump into the share market. So I literally just paper traded so that I just knew how to use the actual application and that was it. And then once I knew which buttons to press I went, "Okay I'm buying my first stock"."

— Martin Wong (Systems Analyst & Modeler)

"Before I did this, I thought trading was like very difficult and it's only for someone who's smart. I never thought that one day that I'd be doing this. I thought it was going to be very difficult because we need to look at like the Financial Review and everything and I find it like quite easy, yeah, so that's why I decided to give it a go."

— Lan Le (Franchise Business Owner)

"Next Friday is my 1 year anniversary of share trading. According to IB, since inception I've made like 8%+ cumulative return, 12%+ from the start of this year. I'm not in a hurry to buy now - it's not like last year - I thought "I have to be buying" or "I've got to be selling" or "I've got this money, I've got to do something with it". Now I'm a lot more laid back and I guess I'm feeling more confident in my own ability."

— Brad Mander (Nurse)

"It's pretty much a step by step process and it's broken up over a 5-week period where it just starts with your mindset and slowly builds you up, and then by the end you feel like you've got a really good view. Of course when you come into your first trade you're still aways daunted - "Am I doing the right thing?" - you have doubts, but if you follow the system, it really does work and I think that the learning of the system is pretty easy too... If you've got any questions, everyone's willing to help."

— Paul Tarrant (Energy Markets Trader)

"It was obvious that it was a good decision and I was seeing the results and I was seeing that it wasn’t hard and it just took a little bit of discipline, as far as waking up at a certain time in the morning to be able to trade the market."

— Sharon Crane (Professional Pet Minder)

"Terry's system gives you everything you need. I mean, Terry could actually go forever and never come back and I'd still know his system because he's been able to package it in a way that's really step-by-step.

Terry's just invented a system that if you follow it – nothing's bullet proof but I think it's near impossible not to succeed with it."

— Andrew Roberts (Business Coach)

"What Terry is trying to do in his Blueprint course is empower the people, give them enough confidence to invest for themselves, to make their own decision, to think for themselves. It's not like you put your head down and follow the leader. Terry is into giving you enough information so that you can make your own mind up."

— Brad & Kerry Claughton (Wheat, Canola & Sheep Farmers)

"The predictive tools that Terry uses, I find it very simple and easy for me to understand, so I'm a big believer in simplicity and clarity.

Terry is a teacher who will put things in very simple terms for people to understand, which is essential for me because as soon as it gets complex, I lose it."

— James Doyle (Airline Pilot)

"I've never invested before, I knew very little about the share market and now I'm pretty much trading on a regular basis, making consistent profit and knowing the right signals to buy and sell."

— Martin Wong (Systems Analyst & Modeler)


The testimonials on this page are genuine and authentic testimonials received from our students who have completed one or both of our programs and are sharing their own opinions and experiences. Please note that past success and/or performance of investments is not a reliable indicator of future performance.


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