DISCLAIMER: The testimonial on this page is genuine and has been voluntarily shared from one of our students who has completed one or both of our programs and are sharing their own opinions and experiences. Please note that past success and/or performance of investments is not a reliable indicator of future performance.
This is Brad Mander's Freedom Trader Journey
FREE MASTERCLASS: How to PREPARE for any Market Crash, PRESERVE your Wealth, and PROFIT
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Brad’s made over 12% cumulative returns since joining the Blueprint program, which has added a layer of freedom and security into his life. He’s no longer forced to work...because it’s not his only means to make money.
The difference between having to go to work and choosing to go to work is huge. That one word changes everything.
Brad also says, “If someone was to tell me two years ago that I’d be in share trading for a year and make profits...well that wasn’t even a thought.” So if you think you’re too much of a newbie to achieve financial freedom, that’s simply not the case!
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