DISCLAIMER: The testimonial on this page is genuine and has been voluntarily shared from one of our students who has completed one or both of our programs and are sharing their own opinions and experiences. Please note that past success and/or performance of investments is not a reliable indicator of future performance.

This is Paul Tarrant's Freedom Trader Journey

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Watching your hard-earned cash get burnt in the stock market and disappear is just heart-wrenching.

Paul Tarrant should know... More than 10 years ago, he completely burnt his stock account. Gone, just like that. Paul was so upset by the experience that he actually quit trading entirely and focused on other investment types.

By pure chance, one day Paul attended a seminar where I happened to be speaking. And even though he was sure the stock market wasn’t for him, he listened to my talk on how to make money in the market without taking big risks… And the logic of the Blueprint system was so clear and straightforward, he vowed to give the stock market one more chance.

I’ll be straight with you: it wasn’t smooth sailing every step of the way (although I’ll tell you in a minute the fantastic ROI Paul’s now making)...

Because this is real life. Not everything is a perfect straight line from Point A to Point B.

Paul’s first six months were admittedly up and down. In his own words: “I followed the system but I was adding things myself and made a few little errors."

But after Paul and I looked at his performance and I pointed out where he was going off-track and not following the system, everything came back into alignment.

Paul followed my advice and today, he’s hovering around 18% ROI. And most importantly, he’s absolutely loving it! Paul actually enjoys it so much now that he hopes to be able to quit his corporate job and trade full-time over the next five years.

“For me, it’s calming. I love getting up in the morning, trading is part of my routine.”

…And remember, that’s coming from someone who vowed never to touch stocks again!


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