
"My Partner Doesn't Agree With / Support Me"

Money is one of the main topics of arguments within relationships.

Usually it's about things such as spending habits, saving, and income disparity – one particular area however, is the difference in approaches to investing and growing wealth.

If one partner is more risk-averse and the other is the complete opposite, it can be a very frustrating experience for both — one partner may not understand how the process works and unfairly criticize the other based on pre-conceived ideas of investing and trading, leading the other to feel distrusted — something that if isn't kept in check, can lead to more relationship problems down the line.

On top of that, there are some relationships where only one partner takes care of all the finances — which can leave the other party vulnerable to lack of financial knowledge and skill set in the undesirable case of separation.

For these reasons, it's very important that BOTH members of the relationship learn and understand how to manage wealth. That way, you're both on the same page, and your investing and trading journey becomes just another bonding experience instead of an argument catalyst.

You want your partner to support you in your journey - so it only makes sense that you're both in it together.

Here's some of our students' experiences with investing and trading in stocks...

"We're both in it together and we know why the market does what the market does. Before I didn't understand why he's doing Options and losing money but then I think when you do not understand what your partner is doing you put a lot of pressure on him as well and then he becomes very frustrated that he's not doing well."

— Jun Yu (Pharmacist)

"The other really good thing is we've both done the course so it allows us both to feed off each other, bounce ideas off each other whether we're researching or even placing the trade or selling. And it's become a regular thing with what we do and we both really enjoy it."

Jerry & Valerie Kidd (Boiler Maker & Bookkeeper)

Transform Your Financial Future Together With Your Partner

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"Very different investment styles – he's quite aggressive and I'm a bit more conservative. So I think if we do it together we have a good equilibrium. We balance each other out."

— Jun Yu (Pharmacist)

"When I do a thing on my own, I'm not as successful as when we do it together. I did try Internet Marketing by myself – didn't work. (Jun: That just proves that he needs me doing it with him!)"

— Chandara Kev (Electrical Engineer)

"I was married for 25 years. My ex-husband was all about the finances. He did everything - I knew nothing. I got divorced and went "Holy – what am I going to do?" I was so scared that I was going to have this settlement money and I wasn't going to know what to do with it, fritter it away and have nothing left after 5 years. I thought, "Seriously you've got to get educated on what to do to set yourself up financially"."

— Sharon Crane (Professional Pet Minder)


The testimonials on this page are genuine and authentic testimonials received from our students who have completed one or both of our programs and are sharing their own opinions and experiences. Please note that past success and/or performance of investments is not a reliable indicator of future performance.

Transform Your Financial Future Together With Your Partner

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