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Dividend/Income Investor

Overview of your Investing Style

Dividend / Income investors are passive investors that focus on finding fundamentally strong stocks and holding them for the long-term, with an emphasis on collecting dividends or income from their investments. This approach is great for those who need steady cashflow, such as retirees, but generally has lower returns than active growth stock investing.

This strategy is best suited for:

  • Time-poor or 'hands-off' investors (e.g. farmers)
  • People who want/need ongoing cashflow (such as retirees)
  • People who don't mind overall lower returns than growth investing through capital gains in favour of cashflow

Advantages of Dividend / Income Stock Investing

1. Steady Cashflow

This strategy provides investors with steady cashflow, as dividends are usually paid out quarterly or monthly. This makes this approach great for people who need income from their investments (e.g. retirees). 

2. Lower Transaction / Brokerage Costs

Dividend / Income investors generally have lower transaction costs than active growth investors, as they don't have to constantly buy and sell stocks. Additionally, the stock selection is generally more straightforward.

3. Low Maintenance

This strategy requires relatively low maintenance compared to active growth investing, with only about 1-2 hours per week required for portfolio upkeep.

4. Lower Volatility

Dividend / Income investing generally has lower volatility than active growth investing, as investors rely on the long-term stability of their holdings rather than short-term market swings. 

Disadvantages of Dividend / Income Stock Investing

1. Lower Returns

Overall, dividend / income investors generally have lower returns than active growth stock investors. This is because capital gains from stocks are relatively low compared to dividends/income payments. 

2. Capital Requirements

Generally, you should have at least $10,000 ready to invest in order to make this strategy work best for you (i.e. to have a noticeable amount of cashflow generated). Having said that, if you have time to work towards that goal, you can actually start this strategy with about $100 per week – the only downside is it will take longer to generate noticeable cashflow.

3. Lack of Growth Potential

Dividend / Income Investing may produce steady cashflow and lower volatility, but it lacks the growth potential of active growth investing, as capital gains from dividend stocks are generally low.

4. Lack of Stimulation

This strategy can be quite mundane for some investors, as there isn’t much to do once you’ve chosen the stocks and built your portfolio. There is no 'action' or excitement of trading, as buy and sell decisions are typically far less frequent than with active growth investing. 

Download Our Free 10 Must-Have Stock Criteria Checklist

Dividend/income investors need to be very selective when it comes to choosing stocks. Our Free 10 Must-Have Stock Criteria Checklist is designed to help you quickly identify the best stocks and determine which ones are worth investing in. 

It will save you from hours of research everyday once implemented, and only requires 5 minutes to implement so you can instantly identify what I consider the top 1% of stocks to do further research at any time.

What Dividend / Income Stock Investors Need to Know

Dividend / Income Investors need to stay on top of the fundamentals of their stocks, such as the company's financial statements and news.

As soon as financials no longer meet your criteria, you may need to consider selling or swapping out the stock. You should also note any changes in dividend payments, as they can affect returns over time.

Finally, it’s important to regularly review portfolios to ensure that your cashflow goals are still being met and make any changes as needed. 

Tips for Becoming A Successful Dividend / Income Stock Investor

1. Choose Your Stocks Carefully: It’s important that you find the right stocks to invest in. This is done by researching the fundamentals of companies and understanding their competitive advantage, such as price/earnings ratios and dividend yields.

2. Diversify Your Portfolio: It’s important to diversify when investing in Dividend / Income stocks, to ensure that cash flow is steady and reliable over time. This means you should select stocks from different industries, sectors and regions.

3. Monitor Your Stocks Regularly: It’s critical that you stay on top of the financial statements and news of your stocks, as any changes can affect their future dividend payments and other criteria. Make sure to review your portfolio often to ensure that it still meets your goals.

4. Know When To Sell: Sometimes, even the best stocks can become unviable due to changes in their fundamentals. Knowing when to move on from a stock is an important part of Dividend / Income investing.

5. Take A Long-Term View: Dividend / Income investing is ultimately a long-term strategy; while you may experience some short-term fluctuations in cash flow, the key is to focus on long-term growth over many years.

Register For Our Free LIVE Online Masterclass

As a dividend / income investor, you don't need to worry about the markets constantly. However, it's really important to be on top of your stock financials and to understand market trends so you can time your investments correctly.

That's why we're hosting a FREE LIVE Online Masterclass, where I'll talk about:

  • How to anticipate and prepare for ANY market crash in advance in less than 30 seconds using one simple free tool
  • My "traffic-light" process, so you'll know exactly when you can invest confidently, when to start being cautious, and when you absolutely MUST stop trading
  • My 4 critical stock criteria that'll help you sift out the financially strongest stocks at any time in less than 5 minutes

I'll also answer any questions you have LIVE during our QnA session at the end, so come ready with any questions you may have!


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