Great! You are now successfully registered and CONFIRMED for this online training event...

WARNING: Space is limited and these trainings always fill up in the past so make sure you arrive early or you may get locked out.


Admit One:

"How to PREDICT any Market Crash, PROTECT your Wealth and PROFIT Safely"

Your Instructor:

Terry Tran

Next Tuesday


7.30pm - 9.00pm
Sydney, Australia AEST

WARNING: Space is limited and these trainings always fill up in the past so make sure you arrive early or you may get locked out.


Admit One:

"How to PREDICT any Market Crash, PROTECT your Wealth and PROFIT Safely"

Your Instructor:

Terry Tran

Next Tuesday


7.30pm - 9.00pm
Sydney, Australia AEST

!"No Hype and No BS – just simple yet effective strategies to create Real Wealth"
So make sure you don't miss it!

In the meantime, why not join us in our special group theFreedomTrader Trading Floor where we share tips and tricks on investing and trading you won't find anywhere else. It's our new community where smart investors learn how to profit safely.

Click below to add this special event to your iCal, Outlook or Google Calendar now!

Here's the online experience you can look forward to...


Effective Trading Solutions Pty Ltd t/as is a Corporate Authorised Representative (CAR No. 1267698) and Terry Tran is an Authorised Representative (AR No. 1267697) of Australian Financial Advisory Group Pty Ltd (AFSL No. 475300).

Any information or advice contained on or disseminated through this website is general only in nature and does not constitute personal or investment advice.

You should seek independent financial advice prior to acquiring or disposing of any financial product. All securities, financial products or instruments carry risks. Past performance is not indicative of future results.


Step 1.