It Costs Too Much To Learn Investing & Trading
Often when it comes to purchasing a course to learn investing or trading, there can be internal resistance.
Reistance towards the financial cost involved – which usually involves a thought process around what other things they could purchase with their money (e.g. the latest tech gadget, a short holiday etc.).
However, that's often not the whole picture.
Think about it - why are people so adamant about paying hefty fees for a university degree even though they're not guaranteed a job?
It's because they see it as an investment rather than a cost — and the same applies to investing / trading courses.
Rather than asking "What else could I buy with this money I'm spending?", people often forget to ask themselves "What is the price of a lifetime skill I can use again and again to generate wealth?".
Provided they've learned from the right educators and invested correctly with disciplined action, their return on investment is actually infinite – not only because the initial financial cost of the course will be covered, but also because they can pass down their skills to their children to also help them secure their financial futures.
Moreover, most people don't consider the 'hidden' costs of not taking action...
There are 4 pathways that can result from someone who chooses not to invest in their investing/trading education:
- They don't touch investing/trading at all – These people lose the opportunity to ever accelerate their journey towards securing their financial future and achieving true freedom (financial, time and experiences).
- They outsource it completely to a 'pro' – only to be stung by them because they choose investments that suit themselves instead or because they also have no idea what they're doing on the stock market, but they're paid a percentage of your assets regardless of whether they win or lose with your money.
- They try to do it on their own, screw up and vow to never touch stocks ever again – not only do these people lose money that would have paid for the education anyway; they also vow to never touch stocks ever again, and also end up never having the opportunity to accelerate their journey towards achieving true freedom.
- They try to do it on their own, spend a lot of time getting it right and eventually succeed – One must applaud this group's commitment to success as they have stuck through their losses, learned from their mistakes and eventually succeeded. But the truth is, the time they've spent trying to get it right (and making some losses along the way) is time they've lost in potential compounding if they had just gotten it right from the start by following a tried-and-tested system. Education isn't just about learning the skills but also learning the hacks and shortcuts than can speed up your process and further lower your risk right from the start.
One way or another, you end up paying – whether that's a small upfront investment, by missing out on potential compounding and a different lifestyle, or by making large losses from trying to go it alone.
Here's what our students have said...
"I tell you what - if you don't pay for something, you pay it differently. So if you don't know the stock market obviously like many other people and myself, you learn by mistakes. And every mistake you make, you pay money. So if you don't want to pay for Terry's course (or any other course), I can tell you, you lose – you pay it differently."
— Habib Al-Massi (Oil & Gas Mining Engineer)
"I've been stung by financial advisers, who have got me into what they called good investments but they weren't, they were investments to suit them because they got a bigger cut out of it. Then I realized well the best way to look after my money is for me to look after it and not trust too many people."
— Brenton Ferguson (Electrician)
"We just want to make sure that we are maximising every opportunity because while it’s sitting there not working for us, we’re losing an opportunity and the compound effect. Whereas if we really got into it 5 years ago, it would be a lot better."
— Christin Smith (E-Commerce)
"The advantage of this system is I have full control. I decide what’s good value and what isn’t. I get to say what happens to my money, and I think that’s nice. It makes me smile and it gives me real confidence. I like controlling my own affairs, I don’t like having to go to experts to ask people and I don’t have to anymore. I get it, I know how to trade very successfully. I'm loving it. Really loving it. And I have no intention of stopping. It's fantastic."
— Dee Mahon (National Education Service Manager)
"For the money that I have spent on Terry's program, I would pay 10 times. I would pay 10 times more - it's worth 10 times more than what I paid. For the value that I get, the community that I'm in, the access to Terry, the live coaching calls, access to the training, it's world class. To be really black and white, he should be charging way more for it."
— Andrew Roberts (Entrepreneur & CEO)
"I didn't like the idea of handing someone a pile of money and then having to trust them to do the right thing with it. My father has been involved in the stock market using a broker, and done very poorly. And then the GFC came along and took 3/4 of it away. So the stock market was something that I was very wary of, but it wasn't until we learnt how Terry does things that I understood that it can be done successfully without too much hassle and have that control."
— Darren Sanders (Farmer)
"I have traded for quite some time but never really made a huge profit. I had little bits here and there. If I had known what I know now about 11 years ago when I first started trading, I would've been so much better off."
— Sandra Wilkinson (Retired)
"The value for me in doing - using this system instead of just buying shares and dropping them in the drawer and praying is I get to manage the share. So I don't have to rely on some trading person or someone over there who's a stock market person to tell me when to buy and sell. I know exactly when to buy and sell - I'm fully trained."
—Dee Mahon (National Education Service Manager)